power shift Workshop

Saturday & Sunday November 21-22, 12-5 PM PDT
The Keystone of the Arch: Embodied 100 Years Vision | Tammy Johnson & Yalini Dream

Check out journalist Iris Crawford’s blog about her participation in the workshop.

Although still on my journey, I hope to one day get to Tammy Johnson’s level in defining myself as a happy Black woman! I haven’t quite gotten to envisioning what that looks like for me but this workshop was indeed the first step. This was the breath of fresh air that I needed, and despite it all being virtual, our co-facilitators did an amazing job of keeping us engaged, thinking and smiling! I enjoyed being a part of this two day workshop and was extremely grateful to be in the presence of Yalini Dream and Tammy Johnson who are both doing the necessary work to create a more abundant future.

Hosted by the Hope Mohr Dances’s Bridge Project’s POWER SHIFT: Improvisation, Activism, and Community Festival
Purchase tickets here.

The Keystone of the Arch: Embodied 100 Years Vision Here we are. We are living in a historical moment that demands that we shed  systems of oppression and pivot toward wholeness, healing and justice. But how? How do we bridge the wisdom of the past with hope for the future? If we understand  ourselves  in the middle of a 100 year arch of human transformation, the arch’s keystone, how can we prepare ourselves to show up fully, and engage each other with integrity? On day one we will explore how we navigate conflict and dynamic tension. Day two will involve dream work that weaves together a vision beyond the current moment of struggle. Yalini Dream and Tammy Johnson will guide participants through practices that explore individual and group habits, and envision liberatory futures  using movement, vocalization and other creative tools. This workshop is open to artists, activists, organizations, social workers, and any persons looking to engage in transformative movement building.


Creatives in Place


Event: #Artoffpause